(985) 875-7955 vairinpaint@gmail.com

Employment Agreement

Welcome to Vairin Paint, Inc.

While employed with us, we expect you to be at work on time, dressed neatly and capable of performing a day’s work. Please be productive, safe, courteous to your fellow employees, and to our customers. There are a lot of paint contractors out there, so please strive to make ours exceptional.

Work safe! If you are uncomfortable doing something, or feel a task is unsafe, do not proceed. Immediately make the job foreman aware of your concerns and he will take steps to rectify it. Do not endanger yourself or others at any time.

Bring your basic hand tools. We provide ladders, safety equipment, etc., but the basics are your responsibility. After your probationary period, we will provide your basic hand tools, however, those tools remain property of Vairin Paint, Inc.

All projects have a job foreman. It is his responsibility to see each project is completed safely, within budget, on time and to the quality standards we insist upon. Please direct any questions you have about your job to him.

Please fill out the application and tax withholding information included in the online employment packet. It must be returned to the office in order for you to be paid.

Timesheets are collected utilizing the Clockshark app. You must have a smartphone and use this app to report your hours worked each day. Clock in when you begin work and clock out when you complete your work for the day.

In the event you are sick or will be absent from work, please notify the job foreman and office in advance, via email (vairinpaint@gmail.com) or message (985-875-7955)

Please note you are an hourly employee. You will be paid only for the hours you perform work for us onsite and are not guaranteed a full 40-hour work week.

Work hours are as follows:

  1. 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
  2. Morning break for 15 minutes, preferable around 9:00 am
  3. Lunch 30 minutes, around 12:00 pm
  4. Clean up at 3:15 pm and prepare for the next work day.

Our pay period starts on Wednesday and ends the following Tuesday. Payroll is delivered on Friday.

In the event you leave our employment, you must turn in all company tools, ladders, etc., before you will receive your last paycheck.

Please provide an emergency contact name and number on this sheet.

Please provide a copy of your drivers license, social security card and permanent resident card if applicable.

You will be immediately terminated for tardiness, showing up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, fighting on the jobsite, sloppy workmanship, fraudulent time reporting, theft, any unsafe act which endangers other workers.

Welcome aboard and Good Luck!

Clear Signature